The Federal Association of the Camping Economy in Germany was founded on the 10th of November 2000 to serve as an umbrella organization and lobby for entrepreneurs of the camping economy and to promote camping tourism within Germany. The BVCD is based in Berlin.
The association is organized federally (like the organisation of the federal states within Germany). Twelve regional camping associations (at the federal state level) are direct members of the BVCD. In total, the BVCD represents about 1.200 camping grounds within Germany.
The BVCD represents the interests of all campsites and motor home parks in Germany against public authorities, associations and other institutions and lobbies for common areas of expertise, policies, and commercial concerns. Moreover, the BVCD helps, informs and advises its members in all areas concerning camping.
The Association of the Camping Economy in Germany is the federal institution that allows collaboration and the targeted promotion of camping in Germany.
The main goal is to promote and position camping as a high-value form of leisure and holiday within Germany and abroad.
Representation of the camping sector and commitment on a political level
Ensuring and promoting quality
Public relations and marketing
Not only does the BVCD work closely with camping enterprises, but it also has sustaining members from different branches (ranging from manufacturing to small service providers). This allows for networking within the sector (exchange) and the establishment of public relations.
The BVCD also collaborates strongly with other tourism associations such as the “Deutscher Tourismus Verband e.V. (DTV)” (German Tourism Association) and “ECOCAMPING e.V.” (Association for Eco-Camping). The BVCD is a member of these associations.
Bundesverband der Campingwirtschaft in Deutschland e.V.
Spandauer Burgwall 22a
13581 Berlin
Phone: +49 30 33 77 83 20
Fax: +49 30 33 77 83 21